Everyone who is 12 or older are now entitled to free, twice-weekly COVID-19 testing. See below for details of how test kits can be ordered or collected. These tests are to be done at home and provide a result in 30 minutes. They are for adults in each household or bubble, not primary-aged children.
School staff are already testing themselves at home twice per week using these ‘lateral-flow testing devices’ and we encourage all who are eligible to do the same. Given that 30-50% of people infected with COVID-19 will not display symptoms, and therefore will not know they are infected and potentially infectious, asymptomatic testing is a really important step in keeping the school community as safe as possible and keeping a lid on local infection rates.
It is important to note that these tests are for asymptomatic screening purposes only and not to be used if you, or anyone in your household, develops symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, temperature, loss/change to smell or taste). If these symptoms develop, the person experiencing them must get tested in the normal way using a PCR test (which are sent to a laboratory for analysis) which can be booked here: https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test
Tests are available for adults in these households to order online, which can be delivered to their home or collected at a local symptomatic PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test site. These PCR sites are where people go to get tested when they have symptoms of COVID-19 and because of that, collection of these home test kits is set for 1pm – 7pm when testing of symptomatic people will not be taking place.
The PCR local testing sites (LTS) and regional testing site (RTS) offering the collection of home testing kits (referred to as LTS-collect and RTS-collect) in Oxfordshire are:
Regional testing site (drive-through)
- Oxford Parkway, Water Eaton Park & Ride, Oxford Road, Oxford, OX2 8HA
Local testing sites (walk-through)
- Woodgreen Leisure Centre, Woodgreen Avenue, Banbury, OX16 0HS
- Osney Lane, Oxford, OX1 1NY
- Woodford Way car park, Witney, OX28 6JS
You do not need to make an appointment, but you can check online if the location is open or busy before you go. A reminder collection is 1pm – 7pm.
In Oxfordshire, home tests kits cannot currently be collected from the county council’s symptom-free testing sites, which are Spiceball Leisure Centre (Banbury) , The Beacon (Wantage), The King’s Centre (Oxford). Please do not go to one of these sites as the kits they have are not suitable for home use . We will keep you posted if this changes.