At Ewelme, we love being active and staying fit and healthy and our PE learning helps us with that. We have a large playing field for our PE lessons and active lunchtimes, plus access to Ewelme Village Hall for indoor activities such as gymnastics and dance. We also use Didcot Wave swimming pool for swimming lessons from Year 2 up to Year 6.
Each class have two PE lessons a week, one provided by their class teacher and one provided by a specialist PE teacher, Mrs Seymour.
The children also take part in a variety of events throughout the year to further develop their skills and ethusiasm in a range of disciplines. See below for our sporting calendar for the year:
Autumn term 1 :
- Year 5 and 6 take part in weekly swimming lessons at Didcot Wave swimming pool
- Key Stage 1 compete in a house multi-skills festival, supported by sports leaders from Year 5 and 6
- Year 5 and 6 continue with their weekly swimming lessons
- Chaucer class (Reception and Year 1) take part in the Gymnastics Showcase at the Village Hall, supported by sports leaders from Year 5 and 6
- Year 3 and 4 take part in weekly swimming lessons at Didcot Wave swimming pool
- All children participate in the Spotlight on Dance event at Ewelme Village Hall
- Year 5 and 6 participate in the Oxfordshire Dance Festival at New Theatre, Oxford
- Year 2 take part in weekly swimming lessons at Didcot Wave swimming pool
- Key Stage 2 children participate in a house Netball tournament, with the winning house taking on a team of parents/carers
- Year 5 and 6 attend their residential trip
- Key stage 2 children compete in a house Rounders tournament
- All children have weekly cricket coaching provided by an ECB Chance to Shine coach
- Year 5 and 6 start their cycling proficiency course
Summer term 2:
- All children take part in the ‘Children’s Chase’ run
- All children continue with their weekly cricket coaching provided by an ECB Chance to Shine coach
- All children participate in Sports Day
- Year 5 and 6 complete their cycling proficiency course
Sports clubs outside of Ewelme Primary School
If you visit the the South Oxfordshire District Council website at you can see what activities are on offer for young people throughout the holidays. Also, the following provides a directory of sports clubs across the district