What Does The Governing Body Do?
The school governors work with the Headteacher and staff of Ewelme School to promote high standards in our children’s education in a safe, supportive and inclusive environment. Governors are responsible for major decisions about the school and its future. For instance, they set the annual budget and approve targets and policies for the school. While the Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school, school governors provide a strategic framework that promotes the school’s vision and ethos. Governors are answerable to parents and the local authority for the school’s performance. As well as supporting the school and staff, the role of governors is to act as a ‘critical friend’ to the Headteacher and to challenge or question the performance of the Headteacher and the school.
At Ewelme School, the governing body meets in full every term and members also serve in at least one of the three sub-committees that focus on particular areas of activity: Resources, Performance & Standards and Community.
The Resources Committee is responsible for financial matters. It engages in the setting of the annual school budget, recommends the approval of the budget to the whole Governing Body and monitors it on a regular basis. The committee also monitors staff appointments, appraisal and pay, and the maintenance of all aspects of the school premises.
The Performance & Standards Committee monitors all aspects of pupil progress and achievement. It agrees policies and annual targets with the Headteacher and recommends their approval to the whole Governing Body. It also reviews the curriculum offered and receives reports and presentations from members of staff on specific subject areas, developments in teaching and learning and assessment.
The Community Committee supports initiatives to encourage and develop links and communication between the local community and the school.
There are also special small committees to review pay, agree on admissions, staff appointments, deal with complaints and to conduct the Headteacher’s annual performance. In all these responsibilities the Governing Body works closely with the Headteacher and staff, and when necessary with the local authority and/or external advisers.
Attendance at Meetings
Who Are We?
At Ewelme School, our governing body is currently made up of 11 governors:
Name | Category | Term of Office | Appointing Body | Committee Membership | Positions of Responsibility | Register of Business Interests | Relationship to other governors and staff |
Mr Joseph Ottaway | Staff (Headteacher) | N/A | N/A | All | N/A | None | None |
Jess Reading | Parent | 08.02.24- 07.02.28 | Nominated by parents | Resources | Finance | None | None |
Miss Briony Lea | Staff | 01.02.22- 31.01.26 | Staff Election | Safeguarding | None | None | |
Mrs Lynsey McLeish | Diocese Foundation | 04.05.22- 03.05.26 | Diocese | Reading and phonics; Early Years | None | None | |
Mr Neil Byrne | LA | 04.05.22- 03.05.26 | Oxfordshire LA | SEND PSHE | |||
Mrs Sharon Bradley | PCC Foundation | 04.05.22- 03.05.26 | PCC | Resources | |||
Mr Peter Ryding | Ewelme Trust, Foundation | 23.02.22- 22.02.26 | Foundation Trustee | Community | Chair | None | None |
Mr Ben Welch | Parent Governor | 26.05.22- 25.05.26 | Parent Election | ||||
Mr Tom Lethaby | Diocese, Foundation | 01.03.23- 28.02.27 | Diocese | Community | Finance; Health and Safety; Maths, Art, DT and Music | None | None |
Dr Casper J Breuker | Ewelme Trust, Foundation | 04.05.22- 03.05.26 | Trust | French and Science | None | None | |
Mr Nick Armitage | Ewelme Trust, Foundation | 04.05.22- 03.05.26 | Trust | RE and PSHE | None | None |